Saturday, November 11, 2006


With the crawling video I posted, decided to do a sitting video of Jarren as well.
As the Chinese saying (or was it Hokkien saying ?), "Sit at 7 (months), Crawl at 8".
These videos were taken about a month back and just to clarify, we did follow the traditional order. So we taught him to sit, then followed that up with crawling.

Unfortunately, he seems to fall more often than he sits.
But he's improving now and can actually sit for quite a while. But a video of baby sitting is less interesting than a video of baby falling ;-)

There seems to be also a correlation between his tendency to fall and the flooring material. If he is sitting on bed or mattress, then he tends to fall over easily.

If he is sitting on the wooden platform, then he seems to know and doesn't fall that easily. Of course, we'll be there to grab him before he "kock" his head.

Goes to show he's an intelligent babe. Takes after me, of course.

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