Monday, January 15, 2007

Jarren's progress report

Well, Jarren's 3/4 of his way towards his first birthday.
He's getting more mobile now and prefers crawling around to sitting and play.
Used to be that we could just leave him with his favourite toy and expect him to entertain himself. Now, it's a matter of minutes (or even seconds...) before he tries to crawl elsewhere.
Here's a video of him taking his anger out of some toy fruits.
Guess he has quite a temper ;-)

1 comment:

Chee Wai Lee said...

Disclaimer: I'm not trivializing your experience of fatherhood. Just expressing a feeling I just had that got tickled into existance by this blog entry:

Remember when we used to play "Genghis Khan II"? This one blog entry describing an angry Jarren just reminds me of when you "visit your family" and the queen tells you how "Strong" your son is and then the "A+" War ability comes to mind. Hehehe.

I look forward to seeing Jarren celebrate his first birthday. Hell, there might even be a tiny chance I'll physically be present! :)