Saturday, October 21, 2006

Life's contrast

Waiting for the You tube uploading to be completed. Even with broadband, it can take a while. Thought I might as well take the time to reflect on today.

Attended a gathering organized by Calin's online friends. All of them were recent mothers (and the few fathers as well) and it was quite an eye-opener for Jarren to see so many "little people".

Met another mother with a really big baby, at least compared to Jarren. She was advised by the doctor to cut down his food intake. Guess it's a really early introduction to dieting... Makes me realize that everyone has his/her little problem that most likely someone else would never even think could be a problem. Here we are thinking of how to fleshen our Jarren up and there's another baby with the exact opposite problem.

Lesson to learn : Be satisfied with what life provides to you. As long as Jarren is healthy and growing well, I should be happy.

This lesson is further reinforced when I read of the man who jumped onto the MRT tracks at Boon Lay due to financial problems. Guess you'll never think life is good to you until you see the contrast...

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